Saturday, May 11, 2013

God must love stupid people - he made so many of them!

The problem with the concept of God  is twofold. It is illogical and is also dangerous.
The main problem is internal consistency. Which of these opposing beliefs do you accept?
  • On one hand, they say that destiny is preordained. On the other, they exhort you to work hard so that you may change what is destined..
  • On the one hand they say that God knows best, On the other, they reject what God's wisdom has decided for us and have a different wish list instead.
  • On one hand they say that God is the loving, merciful father while on the other, we find him more cold, objective and punishing than a Supreme court judge.
Beyond internal consistencies, I find other disadvantages in accepting a concept of God and his omnipotence.

  • Firstly, it engenders a belief that someone exists who can change your fate. Life doesn't have to be this way; there is someone who can change it. This belief shatters acceptability of reality in one stroke. And once we can envision a future different than what is, the present becomes repugnant. If the rising of the Sun in the East were not inevitable, we would have been very unhappy with it rising that way. But since we consider it inevitable, it does not merit attention any more. We just live with that fact and adjust accordingly.
  • Being uncomfortable withe the present creates desire. The utility of desire itself is quite illogical because we don't know even know what will eventually be good for us. Here's an example. On any given day, several people get late in the traffic and throw tantrums on this loss of valuable time. But those who got late in reaching the World Trade Centre on 9/11 must have rejoiced later. What they had thought to be bad for them turned out to be real good. We simply don't know what is good/bad for us. This is so because we project our present needs in the future and desire something for that scenario. In this projection, we fail to realize that thousands of other co-actors of that scene wold have changed in that projection. In those changed circumstances, what is good for us can not be known now. So why not sit back and enjoy.
Peace and tranquillity can never come to a God believer because he believes that all that is happening will not happen if only one guy ( God) can be tamed. Or, so he thinks. Only later does he realize that he lost out on both counts.

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