Friday, July 10, 2015

Hunger in the soul? - I just don't have it

Just saw Rocky 3 ( or Rocky 4). In a scene, a training instructor boxer tells Rocky 'You don't display hunger. Eye of the tiger.'
It struck me that this explained me to myself. I simply don't have any hunger.
When I was a 2 Lt doing the Commando course at Belgaum, my instructor in UAC (unarmed combat) told me 'Alok, you are good, but you don't seem hungry enough to beat your opponent'. I was told the same thing by my boxing instructor too.
Now that I think back, they must have been right. I am just not hungry enough. No desire to beat anyone, no desire to get complimented. What is worse - no desire to excel. Just want to be left alone, doing my thing.
Accomplishment means nothing to me.
In my career, I could please no boss. Not even one. And professionally, I was pretty good.
What to say of bosses, I have no desire to please even myself.