Thursday, January 13, 2011

Soldiers are hired guns - hired by questionable MPs

Is being a hired gun a good idea?
A soldier is essentially a hired gun. Hired by the state, but hired all the same. He kills, as told.
In my youth, being a soldier seemed something to be proud of. To be chosen to kill on behalf of the society, the country, the President of India was a badge of honour. Today,I am not so sure. Shorn of all big words,essentially my authority to kill stemmed from the MPs, particularly those of the cabinet. Is there a system to ensure, or even a lame attempt, to ensure that all MPs are good men? Earlier, I either believed so or did not bother. A more experienced man at 57 years, I can now say - They certainly are NOT so. Just look at the news of last 6 months and you'll find out. Should I have killed on Kalmadi's word, or those of A Raja?
Some years back, should I have killed others on the dictates of Phoolan Devi.
All that MPs can claim is that they are popular people. So,I have been proud of having the right to kill on orders of people who were not necessarily right, good, wise or blameless - only people who were popular? If a crowd told me to kill, should I?
The dilemma is also posed in the book/movie - The Day of the Jackal - 'Mercenaries too kill- but at least they themselves choose who to kill'.
Soldiers seem happy handing over this huge responsibility to people who have no known qualification to do so except being popular. In contrast, see the deliberations by judges and the legal system before death sentence is passed even for one individual. And everyone in that system is so qualified.
So, why be proud of being a hired gun -  hired by guys who could well be goons.

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