1. We are content with our government playing games with Pakistan. We send Pak some questions. They reply to some and send us their list of questions. We repeat the process. They accept that some of their non-state actors could be involved. There is almost national celebration over this supposed victory of ours. Is this what the families of those who who were mercilessly mowed down, deserve from their state? Soon, there could be another strike somewhere and even this tamasha (spectacle) will stop. Do would-be world powers behave like this?
2. We ask a lot of questions from Pakistan but none from our own people who failed us miserably in those days of crisis. Policemen seem to have simply run away from the CST station and other places. Otherwise, would it have been difficult for a shooter behind cover to strike at a 5'4" tall target, exposed without cover on a railway platform or hotel corridor for so long? It did not happen because the policemen were busy pointing CCTV cameras and not guns at them. The crisis management from the senior officers was even more shocking. And all this after Mumbai has been the most attacked state in the last decade. The last 10 or so years have already established that being in the J&K or the North East is far safer than being in Mumbai? Despite such heightened awareness of the danger, we simply had no contingency plan to tackle a thing like this. Our security forces, particularly the NSG and MARCOS did a highly inefficient job. That the terrorists finally died is no certificate of efficiency to anyone. If these be our desired standards, we are wasting good money on their training. All that the enemy needs is about 200 more of Kasab like guys to completely paralyze us. By our own admission, he has thousands and not just hundreds of them.
And what if he combines this with a conventional attack or even a threat on the borders?
C'mon friends, get serious. Do seek answers from Pakistan, but do not spare our own either. Actually, seek more from our own. Our tax money goes to them, not to Pakistan. The NSG effort which is pulled out of our security goes to protect our politicians, not those of Pakistan.
By all that I have seen since 26/11, our leaders have again managed to fool us. They say they will act - but when? After we are finished, I suppose.
' Hum ne maana ke tagaful na karoge, lekin
khaak ho jayenge hum, tum ko khabar hone tak'
( Suitor to lover - I agree that you will not refuse. However,I will cease to exist by the time you get to know my plight )

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