Tuesday, June 20, 2017

For a Gujarati - dhanda karne ka, baki vanda nahin.

Selection of the new president, Govind or Kovind, whatever, by Modi and Shah is a confirmation of what they deeply are -- Gujaratis. It is not meant to be a casteist remark because I am referring here to the trait of Gujaratis to be highly focussed on their business. That is what makes them so successful in any business they pursue. Dhanda karne ka, baki vanda nahin. Everything - family, pleasure, personal feelings - all are firmly pressed down when it comes to dhanda.
The President of India has practically no powers. He also has no responsibilities. Is just a torch bearer who no one has any use for. If the cabinet send him a bill which says ' President of India is a fool', he will HAVE to sign it. So, one expects to have a President who is well known for his magnanimity, liberal views and erudite achievements. If one has use a position as a flower, a rose suits better than a cauliflower.
But for a Gujarati, everything is second to the dhanda at hand. For Modi and Shah, the dhanda at hand is the election of 2019. So, they look hard as to what benefits can they find in this, towards the 2019 elcctions. And they come up with the name of a man who everyone now is asking ' Govind or Kovind who?' Who is this man.
Well this is that man who is the ammunition used by Modi and Shah on their polotical opponents. He is a dalit, that too a non jatav dalit. Let us see who opposes his nomination. Woe on him who opposes a dalit candidate. Is a very evvective weapon in the battle of the dhanda.

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